38 research outputs found

    Los usos educativos de las narrativas transmedia

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    Las narrativas transmedia permiten generar entornos de aprendizaje cercanos a la vida diaria de los alumnos, utilizando una gran diversidad de medios y provocando la interacci贸n de m煤ltiples usuarios. La industria del entretenimiento apuesta cada vez m谩s por este tipo de difusi贸n. El siguiente informe describe y analiza algunas de las principales experiencias que siguen la estrategia transmedia

    Feminist discourses of Spanish digital influencers: An analysis of their activity on social media

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    With the rise of digital feminism, this article explores the role of Spanish digital influencers considered feminist referents and the topics addressed by them on their social networks from a gender perspective. An online survey was used to create a ranking of the 12 most popular influencers by social media users. First, an analysis of their professional and sociodemographic profiles was made. Second, a cross-platform content analysis of the posts published by these influencers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram was undertaken. The results show the homogenous profile of most popular feminist influencers. The main topics addressed in their social networks are linked to gender violence, specially on Twitter, being the social network where they publish the largest number of posts with a gender perspective despite the fact that they have more followers on Instagram. Finally, the study concludes that online feminist discourses replicate the issues on the traditional media agenda and leave out other topics on the feminist agenda that involve women belonging to minorities and related to the private sphere

    Uso de redes sociales por los parlamentos como medio de participaci贸n pol铆tica. Estudio de caso latinoamericano y europeo

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    Las redes sociales son consideradas uno de los medios de interacci贸n m谩s importantes de internet, al tiempo que son vistas como espacios de movilizaci贸n ciudadana, constituyendo canales de informaci贸n, discusi贸n y participaci贸n. Se analiza el uso de las redes sociales por los parlamentos nacionales de diez pa铆ses como medios para incentivar la participaci贸n ciudadana. Atendiendo a los ejes de acci贸n pol铆tica (Vedel, 2007), el art铆culo realiza un an谩lisis de contenido longitudinal -con dos a帽os de referencia (2010-2015)- en el que se explora el tipo de redes sociales utilizadas, la evoluci贸n de su uso y el alcance que tienen para generar procesos de informaci贸n, de deliberaci贸n y participaci贸n. Los resultados muestran que los parlamentos de los pa铆ses analizados utilizan las redes sociales para comunicar sus actividades y noticias, pero no como espacio deliberativo y participativo incorporado al proceso de toma de decisiones p煤blicasSocial networks are considered one of the most important developments of the Internet. They are also seen as spaces for social movements in which the channels of information, debate, and participation merge. Using content analysis this article explores social media as an instrument to motivate political participation by citizens from ten countries. Based on the political action axes (Vedel, 2007), a content analysis is conducted to compare the following factors between two years (2010 and 2015): the type of open social networks used, the evolution of their use and potential to generate information, and deliberative and participative processes. The outcomes show that parliaments of the analyzed countries use social media tools to communicate their activities and news. However, they don't use them as a deliberative and participative scenario integrated into the political decision proces

    Use of the websites of parliaments to promote citizen deliberation in the process of public decision-making. Comparative study of ten countries (America and Europe)

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    This study develops a longitudinal research (2010-2015) on 10 countries - 5 European countries (France, United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Spain) and 5 American countries (Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia and the USA). The aim is to compare how the parliaments use its official websites in order to promote the political participation process in the citizenship. The study focuses on the deliberation axe (Macintosh, 2004, Hagen, 2000, Vedel, 2003, 2007) and in the way that representative institutions define a digital strategy to create an online public sphere. Starting with the recognition of Web 2.0 as a debate sphere and as a place of reconfiguration of the traditional -and utopian- Greek Agora, the study adopts the 'deliberate' political action axe to evaluate, qualitatively and quantitatively -using a content analysis methodology- the use of the Web 2.0 tools made by the legislative bodies of the analysed countries. The article shows how, which and what parliaments use Web 2.0 tools - integrated in their web page - as a scenario that allows deliberation at the different legislative processes that integrate the examined political systems. Finally, the comparative results show the main differences and similarities between the countries, as well as a tendency to reduce deliberation tools offering by representative institutions in the countries sample

    Comparative study of feminist positioning on Twitter by Spanish politicians

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    This research analyses feminism-related tweets produced over a period of two months by both a male representative and a female representative of each of the four principal political parties in Spain (PP, PSOE, Ciudadanos and Podemos). Although their behaviour on Twitter is similar, the differences found are more marked by ideology than by gender. A content analysis shows that the parties tend to reinforce their ideological programme on Twitter, which is corroborated as a space for disseminating topics related to feminism, but not as a space for debate. Men tend to publish more than women and on less controversial topics, which allows us to observe the reproduction of patriarchal roles in the net.La recerca analitza els tuits produ茂ts durant dos mesos per un representant mascul铆 i una representant femenina dels quatre partits amb m茅s representaci贸 pol铆tica d'Espanya relacionats amb el feminisme. Malgrat que el comportament a Twitter 茅s similar, les difer猫ncies que s'hi aprecien estan m茅s marcades per la ideologia que no pas pel g猫nere. L'an脿lisi de contingut permet veure que els partits tendeixen a refor莽ar el seu programa ideol貌gic a Twitter, que es corrobora com un espai de difusi贸 de temes relacionats amb el feminisme, per貌 no com un espai de debat. Els homes tendeixen a publicar m茅s que les dones i sobre temes menys controvertits, la qual cosa permet observar la reproducci贸 de rols patriarcals a la xarxa.La investigaci贸n analiza los tuits producidos durante dos meses por un representante masculino y una representante femenina de los cuatro partidos con m谩s representaci贸n pol铆tica de Espa帽a relacionados con el feminismo. Pese a que el comportamiento en Twitter es similar, las diferencias que se aprecian est谩n m谩s marcadas por la ideolog铆a que por el g茅nero. El an谩lisis de contenido permite ver que los partidos tienden a reforzar su programa ideol贸gico en Twitter, que se corrobora como un espacio de difusi贸n de temas relacionados con el feminismo, pero no como un espacio de debate. Los hombres tienden a publicar m谩s que las mujeres y sobre temas menos controvertidos, lo que permite observar la reproducci贸n de roles patriarcales en la red

    Correlational network visual analysis of adolescents' film entertainment responses

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    This study aims to shed light on adolescents' characterizations of their preferred film entertainment. It seeks to describe the psychological responses of youngsters from two European countries (Italy and Spain) to dramas from the European region about current social/human issues. The study also seeks to determine if the adolescents' responses differ according to the film and the cultural context (country) to which they belong. For doing so, the research applies an innovative visual research technique in Media Communication: a correlational network analysis. A total of 234 Italian and Spanish adolescents watched three European dramas. Later, they completed four questionnaires measuring hedonic (enjoyment), eudaimonic (appreciation) responses and predictors of them (narrative engagement and perceived realism). The results present the visual intercorrelations of the studied variables, which give deeper insights into youngsters' gratifications in film consumption. These results suggest that films appear to be more influential than country in adolescents' responses. They also show there are specific models of responses for each film in each situation. The application of the visual quantitative tool broadens our knowledge on adolescents' entertainment through dramatic film and on the role of the cultural context and the audiovisual stimulus in the entertainment responses. It also challenges empirical studies using a single stimulus

    Understanding the lack of science on Tv : network decision-makers' opinions towards televisual science

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    The lack of science on the Spanish TV is explained through the people responsible for content production, scheduling and offer. Two focus groups made up of five decision-makers identified the professionals' opinions: science on TV is needed, the function of televisual science is educating audiences, public channels are responsible for showing such contents, government should urge scientific programming, science on TV contributes in increasing the cultural level of audiences, and people holding power positions are not interested in improving society's level of literacy. Later, the generality of those opinions was measured through a questionnaire applied to 450 TV managers. A latent profile statistical analysis showed that individual characteristics of professionals (i.e., gender, age, educational level) do not play a role in shaping their opinions but work related (i.e., area of coverage, TV ownership) do.La falta de ciencia en la televisi贸n espa帽ola puede ser explicada mediante las personas responsables de la producci贸n, programaci贸n y oferta de contenidos televisivos. Dos grupos focales formados cada uno por cinco personas responsables de tomar decisiones sobre dichos aspectos en cadenas televisivas permitieron identificar sus opiniones: la ciencia en la televisi贸n es necesaria, la funci贸n de la ciencia televisiva es educar a la audiencia, las cadenas p煤blicas son las responsables de mostrar contenidos cient铆ficos, el gobierno deber铆a obligar a programar contenidos cient铆ficos, la ciencia en la televisi贸n contribuye a aumentar el nivel cultural de la audiencia, y las personas que ocupan puestos de poder no est谩n interesadas en mejorar el nivel de alfabetizaci贸n de la sociedad. Posteriormente, la generalidad de esas opiniones se observ贸 mediante un cuestionario aplicado a 450 personas con cargos directivos de televisi贸n. Un an谩lisis estad铆stico de perfil latente mostr贸 que las caracter铆sticas individuales de los profesionales (i.e., el g茅nero, la edad, el nivel educativo) no influyen en la formaci贸n de esas opiniones, pero s铆 influyen los aspectos relacionados con el desempe帽o profesional (i.e., el 谩rea de cobertura, la titularidad de la televisi贸n)

    Opinion of television managers about their viewers and their interest in science : audience images and lack of scientific content on television

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    Science does not occupy a prominent place on Spanish television, possibly due to those in charge of the creation, production, organization, and programming of content. Previous research has shown that television executives have mental images of their audiences that they actively use in their professional practice. This study adopts a mixed, qualitative-quantitative method to determine the beliefs of Spanish television executives regarding the attitudes of their audiences toward scientific programs and content. The study began with two focus groups, each made up of five professionals, to identify a wide range of attitudes. A Likert-scale questionnaire was then applied to examine the level of agreement with those attitudes among 450 employees of different types of private and public networks from six different regions of Spain. The main findings are that Spanish television managers do not believe that their viewers enjoy scientific topics or have any interest in them. However, professionals with previous experience of the production of scientific content tend to have a slightly more positive attitude about the opinion of general audiences regarding televised science. Hence, familiarity with televised science positively impacts the appreciation of such content on television. This research highlights the fundamental role of network managers in explaining the lack of science on Spanish media. Its results are coherent with previous studies confirming that TV professionals have preconceived images about their audiences that are derived from their own preferences and that guide their decisions

    MIL competences : from theory to practice. Measuring citizens' competences on media and information literacy

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    This article presents the analysis and classification of different studies carried out to measure the media literacy skills of citizens. The text is presented in three parts. The first part presents the main theoretical categories of the analysis that define the concept of media literacy and the major frameworks designed for the study of media competences. In the second part, the article examines a group of studies that propose different frameworks that assess media literacy competences. The analyzed studies are classified according to their assessment trends and methodology. Finally, the text identifies media competences that receive higher attention in the studies and the main gaps according to the perspectives pointed out in the explored frameworks. This article concludes that there are aspects lacking in the studied frameworks concerning specific media competences proposed by international institutions (such as UNESCO or the European Commission) and experts. There is also an absence of specific and practical criteria that measure different citizens' skills. The studies analyzed principally focus on the personal skills of individuals (especially their ability to use ICT), from which broad reviews of the social competences of individual and environmental factors that determine the promotion and development of media literacy has been carried ou

    驴C贸mo usan los parlamentos las redes sociales? Un estudio comparado y longitudinal aplicado a pa铆ses de Am茅rica y Europa (2010, 2015 y 2017)

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    Introducci贸n: El art铆culo analiza el uso que los parlamentos hacen de las redes sociales a partir del estudio de las c谩maras representativas de Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Estados Unidos, Espa帽a, Francia, Italia, Reino Unido y Suecia. Metodolog铆a: A trav茅s de un an谩lisis de contenido efectuado en 2010, 2015 y 2017, el texto presenta la evoluci贸n y la trayectoria del uso de las redes sociales en cada uno de los a帽os y pa铆ses de estudio. Resultados y conclusiones: Los resultados indican un aumento del uso informativo y divulgativo de las redes sociales en los parlamentos, pero demuestra pocos avances en la creaci贸n de espacios deliberativos o participativos en las plataformas. El art铆culo identifica acciones parlamentarias orientadas a integrar el ecosistema medi谩tico cambiante, ligado a las redes sociales, aunque la intenci贸n se limita a la figuraci贸n y al impacto dentro del marco medi谩tico, m谩s que en la promoci贸n de la participaci贸n mediada por las redes sociales.Introduction: The article analyses how parliaments use social media through the study of the representative chambers of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, United States, Spain, France, Italy, United Kingdom and Sweden. Methodology: Using a content analysis method developed in 2010, 2015 and 2017, the text presents the evolution and the paths of the social media use of the selected parliaments. Results and conclusions: Results show a progression in the informative parliamentary use of social media, but they highlight few advances in the creation of deliberative or participative arenas in social platforms. The paper identifies parliamentary actions oriented to integrate the changing media ecosystem, linked to social media, but the institutional intention is limited to the presence and the impact inside the media framework, more than in the promotion of the social media mediated participation